shuānɡshí yī
zhǐ měi nián de11yuè 11rì,bèi chēnɡ wéi ɡuānɡ ɡùn jié。
cónɡ 2009nián kāi shǐ,měi nián de11yuè 11hào、yǐtiān māo ,jīnɡ dōnɡ 、sūnínɡ yìɡòu wéi dài biǎo dedàxínɡ diàn zǐshānɡ wùwǎnɡzhàn huì lìyònɡ zhè yìtiān lái jìnxínɡ dàɡuī módedǎzhé cùxiāo huó dònɡ
,chénɡ wéi zhōnɡ ɡuó hùlián wǎnɡ zuì dàɡuī módeɡòuwùjié。
For those who just love to shop online, now is the best time of the year, because Nov 11, China’s Singles’ Day, will see some seemingly irrational discounts, in line with the tradition that was started in 2010.
Last year, Taobao, a major online shopping website, set a record of 1 billion yuan in sales on that day alone, with a whopping 19.1 billion yuan exchanging hands on the website. The number of items sold paralyzed the delivery services due to overloading. On the verge of yet another annual spending spree, it’s worth reading up on tricks and tips to make the most of the shopping carnival.
A: Tomorrow is 11th Nov.
B: Yes. Are you planning to do big shopping?
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