A Lecture on Business Chinese Have you ever heard of the BCT ( Business Chinese Test )? The new BCT, as an international, standardized test of Chinese language proficiency, focuses on assessing non-native Chinese speakers' abilities to use the Chinese language in real business or common working environments and evaluating the language tasks they are able to complete. It aims to provide references for companies to recruit and select employees, for schools and training institutions to organize teaching activities, and for learners to evaluate themselves. Here are two sample questions: Q1: 男:董事长,刚给北京饭店打了电话,那边的会议室正在装修。 女:那再联系一下其他的饭店,关键要有视频会议系统。 问:他们在讨论什么? A 一段视频 B 饭店菜单 C 装修的风格 D 开会的地方 Vocabulary: 装修 zhuānɡxiū :to decorate; decoration 关键 ɡuānjiàn :point 视频会议 shìpín huìyì :video conference 系统 xìtǒnɡ :system Q2: 女:不好意思,九点飞往上海的航班取消了,十点的航班还有票。 男:那我订十点的吧,有折扣吗? 问:男的打算订几点的机票? A 8点 B 9点 C 10点 D 11点 Vocabulary: 飞往 fēiwǎnɡ :fly to 航班 hánɡbān :flight 取消 qǔxiāo :to cancel 折扣 zhékòu :discount Keys: Q1:D Q2:C Did you get the answers correct?
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